A Big 'Thank You' from the Justice Center en El Barrio

August at a Glance — Our First Month!

Justice Center Grand Opening Event Aug. 1st
Liberation Forum Aug. 7th

Here in the Justice Center en El Barrio we are incredibly thankful by the many contributions we have received from our friends and community. These generous financial contributions — of amounts small and large — powered us through our months of renovations, and we were particularly humbled by the generosity showed at our Grand Opening, which filled our new center with positive and radical energy.

Thanks to you all, our new and rapidly growing Center is off to a great start! Every Friday we've held a successful community event (two Liberations forums, a Liberation Flicks film showing, and a Liberation Mic for local artists.) We've also organized a public book club and educational series, while Revolutionary Fitness has offered free gym sessions and
fitness classes.

We've marched in Harlem on the anniversary of the police killing of Mike Brown, and this week will be mobilizing our members and friends for a march against the racist Donald Trump.

Justice for Mike Brown Harlem March Aug. 10th
Liberation Flicks Aug. 14th
Liberation Schools Aug. 16th

Situated in a community with a rich tradition of struggle and revolutionary struggle, our vision is to connect and unite local and global struggles. Our first Liberation Forum provided an eyewitness account of the Boliviarian Revolution and we were proud to host Carlos Ron, Minister-Counselor of Political Affairs of the Venezuelan Embassy. Our next forum opened up two discussions on the Puerto Rican debt crisis and the low-wage worker struggle in New York City. This week we'll be hearing an eyewitness report on the dynamic struggle in Turkey, and also be featuring a presentation on the worsening environmental crisis in California and nationwide.

For Liberation Flicks, we showed the powerful film Black Power Mixtape in honor of Black August, which highlights the struggle to free all U.S. political prisoners. We also hosted our first Liberation Mic, a space dedicated to allowing artists to shine. Our September film showing will be "The Hand That Feeds," an award-winning documentary on NYC deli workers' struggle to unionize their shop; some of the workers will be there with us!

The Justice Center is a place for you just as much as it is a home to the many different organizations operating here. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events and joining us in the streets in the struggle for justice!

Once again thank you much for your support.

In Solidarity,


The Justice Center en el Barrio


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