The following is a list of actions taking place in October 2009 on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the war on Afghanistan. If you or an organization in your area is planning an event as part of the October call to action, please click here to submit an event listing.
Check this page regularly for new event listings.
Davis, California
War is Not the Answer
When: Saturday, October 17 at 11 a.m. (until 12 noon)
Where: G Street Plaza
Contact: 530-756-6881
The Davis Friends Meeting and members of the Davis community sponsor this peace vigil the first and third Saturday of every month. The quiet vigil carries the message: War is not the ANSWER.
Los Angeles, California
Protest and rally on the 8th Anniversary of the War on Afghanistan
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 6 p.m.
Where: Westwood Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Blvd. (map and directions - public transit)
Sponsor(s): ANSWER LA (Endorse and/or volunteer - Be an organizing / transportation center)
Contact: [email protected] or 213-251-1025
Los Angeles, California
Teach-in on the Afghanistan war
When: Saturday, October 17 at 2 p.m.
Where: Los Angeles City College - Chemistry Bldg., Room 3 at 855 N. Vermont Ave. (map and directions - public transit)
Sponsor(s): ANSWER LA (Endorse and/or volunteer - Be an organizing / transportation center)
Contact: [email protected] or 213-251-1025
San Diego, California
No More War on Afghanistan – Troops Out Now - End the Occupations: Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine - Healthcare, Jobs and Education, No to War and Occupation
When: Friday, October 16 at 4 p.m. (until 6 p.m.)
Where: Federal Building, Front Street & Broadway, Downtown
Sponsor(s): San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice
Contact: Visit www.sdcpj.org
Planning meeting, Monday October 12, 7 pm, Church of the Brethren, 3850 Westgate Place, San Diego 92105
San Francisco, California
Protest on the 8th Anniversary of the War on Afghanistan
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 5 p.m.
Where: New Federal Building at 7th St and Mission St (near Civic Center BART)
Sponsor(s): San Francisco Bay Area ANSWER
Contact: [email protected] or 415-821-6545
San Francisco, California (click here for flyer)
Mass antiwar march and rally
When: Saturday, October 17 at 11 a.m. (March begins at 12 noon)
Where: UN Plaza (Market St. between 7th and 8th Streets)
Sponsor(s): October 17 Antiwar Coalition.
Contact: 510-268-9429. The ANSWER Coalition is participating in this event; if you'd like to march with ANSWER, contact [email protected] or 415-821-6545.
Ventura County, California
ANSWER Ventura County Anti-War Vigil
When: Friday, October 2 at 5 p.m.
Where: Ventura County Government Center (corner of Victoria and Telephone)
Sponsor(s): ANSWER Ventura Country
Contact: [email protected] or (805) 744-8142
Anti-war vigil. Placards available or bring your own. Note: This November our vigil will hit its 5-year mark and relocate to the U.S. Armed Forces Career Center in Ventura. U.S. Out of the Middle East!
Arvada, Colorado
Peace Vigil - Stop the Wars - Out of Afghanistan & Iraq
When: Saturday, October 17, 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: Intersection of Wadsworth Blvd. and 52nd Ave.
Sponsor(s): Colorado Citizens for Peace
Contact: Visit www.coloradocitizensforpeace.info for more information.
The October 17 event will mark the national day of local and regional anti-war actions. Colorado Citizens for Peace holds a vigil every Saturday at the same time and location. All are welcome to join on the 17th or any Saturday to be part of this very visible peace action.
Transportation to Boston
When: Saturday, October 17.
Where: Connecticut coalitions and organizations are mobilizing to attend the New England regional protest on Saturday, October 17 in Boston.
Check back for details.
Norwich, Connecticut
Peace Vigil
When: Friday, October 16 at 4 p.m. (until 6 p.m.)
Where: Chelsea Parade between Washington and Broadway Streets.
From the Iraq Moratorium website: We hold a peaceful vigil on Chelsea Parade... We stand to remind our fellow citizens that our country is still at war and the toll of life and dollars ticks by each day. We have signs, but better still bring your own! Use your First Amendment right before it too disappears. War is Taxing. See you there. Peace.
Washington, D.C.
No Good War protest
When: Monday, October 5 at 8:30 a.m. (until 1 p.m.)
Where: McPherson Square and in front of the White House
Sponsor(s): National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, The Black is Back Coalition, CodePink, Peace Action, Veterans for Peace.
Contact: Dave Kunes at [email protected]
We will gather the afternoon before the Oct. 5 event at the Festival Center (1640 Columbia Road). On Oct. 5th, we will begin gathering at McPherson Sqaure at 10 a.m. Lifelong war resister and widow of Phil Berrigan Liz McAlister will be a featured speaker.
Dunedin, Florida
Back To The Streets
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 4:30 p.m. (until 6 p.m.)
Where: At the corners of Edgewater Dr & Main St.in front of Dunedin Marina
Sponsor(s): RiseUpTampaBay.com
Contact: [email protected] or 727.320.4502
Demonstration against the escalation of War in Afghanistan. Antiwar Activists have had a presence at this site for 5 yrs. Bring Signs.
Jacksonville, Florida
Street Corner Protest
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 4:30 p.m. (until 6:00 p.m.)
Where: At the intersection of Main and Union Streets (downtown)
Sponsor(s): Wage Peace, Inc.
Contact: wagepeace.net - [email protected]
We will stand at the corners with signs and banners, waving and smiling to the heavy afternoon traffic.
North Miami, Florida
Afghanistan Exit Strategy Vigil
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 7 p.m.
Where: MOCA Plaza (770 NE 125th St)
Sponsor(s): Progressive Democrats of America - Miami
Contact: Sandy Davies at [email protected]
We will gather to honor the dead and recommit ourselves to work for peace. Exit strategy now! No more funding for war! Call Congress to vote for HR2404!
Orlando, Florida
Mass March on the Weapons Makers End the War Economy - Healthcare Not Warfare
When: Saturday, October 17 at 12 noon.
Where: Southeast corner of Alafaya Blvd. (SR 434) and University Blvd (main entrance to the University of Central Florida).
Sponsor(s): Florida Peace Congress
Contact: 321-368-5093 or [email protected]. The ANSWER Coalition will be participating in this event; if you'd like to march with ANSWER, contact [email protected].
Following the rally, participants will march 1/4 mile south along Alfaya Blvd. to the Central Florida Research Park entrance to demand an end to the war economy.
Decatur, Georgia
Kill Colonialism
When: Tuesday, October 6 at 9 p.m.
Where: 4211 Mercer Rd.
Sponsor(s): New Black Panther Party
Contact: 404-587-0737
The event will be a movie showing on the war.
Chicago, Illinois
Protest: U.S./NATO Out! Bring the Troops Home Now! End Colonial Occupation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Haiti... Money for Healthcare, Jobs, Housing, Education, Not for War!
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 5 p.m.
Where: Chicago Water Tower (Michigan Ave. at Pearson St., One block North of Chicago Ave.)
Sponsor(s): ANSWER Chicago
Contact: 773-463-0311
Moline, Illinois
Peace Vigil to End the Wars
When: Saturday, October 17 at 11 a.m. (until noon)
Where: Corner of John Deere Rd. & 16th St. Parking in the Best Buy/Ashley Furniture parking lot.
Sponsor(s): Quad Cities Progressive Action for the Common Good
Contact: Visit http://www.qcprogressiveaction.org/ for more information.
Oak Park, Illinois
Peace Vigil
When: Friday, October 16 at 7 p.m. (until 8 p.m.)
Where: First United Church of Oak Park, 848 Lake Street.
From the Iraq Moratorium website: First United Church of Oak Park PEACE VIGIL EVERY FRIDAY(for last seven years) 7PM - 8PM CST Front Steps. We have stood for a vigil for Peace since October 7, 2001 -- we pray, sing, speak, silent witness against WAR 7PM to 8PM every Friday....bring signs ....in winter hot coffee.
Peoria, Illinois
Protest to End the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars & Occupations
When: Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: Main and University
Sponsor(s): Peoria Area Peace Network (PAPN).
Contact: Visit http://www.peoriapeace.org/ for more information.
PAPN sponsors a weekly anti-war presence at this location. All are welcome to join every Saturday. PAPN will be making an extra effort to turnout people to mark October 17 as a national day of anti-war actions.
Dubuque, Iowa
When: Monday, October 5 at 4 p.m. (until 5 p.m.)
Where: Locust Street and 6th Street (South East Corner of Washington Park)
Sponsor(s): Dubuque Peace and Justice
Contact: Richard Fischer (656 Molony Road, Bernard IA 52032-9715) - To donate to defray expenses, to volunteer, to sign petitions, to write letters.
Banners, Posters and pamphlets will be available to hold and pass out to the public. A petitions will be signed and delivered to U. S. Representative Braley's and U. S. Senator Harkin's Office
Materials will be available to write letters
Kansas City, Kansas
Public forum
When: Saturday, October 17. Time to be announced.
Where: To be announced.
Sponsor(s): Kansas City Labor Against the War
Contact: [email protected], 816-753-1672 (or visit http://www.kclabor.org/kcuslaw.htm)
Forum opposing the U.S. wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Check back for more info.
Lawrence, Kansas
Peace Vigil to End the Wars
When: Saturday, October 17 at 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: 9th & Massachusetts
Sponsor(s): Lawrence Coalition for Peace and Justice
Contact: [email protected]
The October 17 Lawrence event will mark the call for a national day of anti-war actions, the vigil has been ongoing for eight years and will continue every Saturday.
Lafayette, Lousiana
U.S. Out of Afghanistan
When: Monday, October 7, all day.
Where: University of Louisiana at Lafayette in the quad.
Sponsor(s): ANSWER Coalition
Contact: Andrew Cheramie at [email protected] or 985-414-1753
New Orleans, Lousiana
Exorcism of the Spirit of War
When: Sunday, October 18 at 5 p.m.
Where: At the fountain by the entrance to Audubon Park on St Charles Avenue across from Loyola University
Sponsor(s): First United Unitarian Church and Pax Christi of New Orleans
Contact: [email protected]
Half hour of singing Sixties anti-Vietnam War songs; choral prayer for peace; ritual of exorcism; songs, music, and spoken words; conversation over bring-your-own coffee and desserts.
Boston, Massachusetts (click here for flyer)
From Afghanistan to Mattapan: Money for Jobs, Housing, Health care and Education, Not for War, Gentrification, Racism, and Occupation!
When: Wednesday, October 7 (Press conference at 5:30 p.m., Speak out from 6 to 7 p.m.)
Where: Dudley Station (2343 Washington St., Roxbury)
Sponsor(s): Boston ANSWER Coalition
Contact: [email protected] or 857-334-5084
Boston, Massachusetts (click here for flyer)
New England Regional March & Rally Eight Years of War How Many More? Troops Home Now from Afghanistan & Iraq!
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m. (music starts at 11 a.m.)
Where: Copley Square.
Sponsor(s): A coalition of Boston & New England regional organizations has come together to organize for this regional protest. For complete list see oct17boston.org.
Contact: [email protected]. The ANSWER Coalition is participating in this event; if you'd like to march with ANSWER, contact [email protected] or 857-334-5084.
Opening rally will be followed by a march.
Duluth, Minnesota
Human Needs, Not War Cut the $13 trillion pipeline to the Pentagon! March & rally for human needs.
When: Saturday, October 17 at 12 noon.
Where: Gather at Clayton, Jackson & McGhie Memorial (corner of Second Ave. E. & Fist St.). March to the Federal Building for a closing rally.
Sponsor(s): Northland Anti-War Coalition.
Contact: Email [email protected] or visit www.northlandantiwar.blogspot.com for more info.
Minneapolis, Minnesota (click here for flyer)
Foreclose the War, Not People’s Homes.
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m.
Where: Hennepin & Lagoon Ave. March at 1:30 p.m. to closing rally at Loring Park.
Sponsor(s): Iraq Peace Action Coalition
Contact: (612) 522-1861 or (612) 827-5364, e-mail to [email protected]
Out of Iraq & Afghanistan, Troops Home Now, Funds for Human Needs, Not War & Occupation.
Oxford, Mississippi
When: Friday, October 16. Time to be announced.
Where: Ole Miss Campus, Oxford, Mississippi (from the Circle to the Town Hall)
Sponsor(s): Campus Antiwar Network | Ole Miss (rebels4peace.com)
Contact: [email protected]
"Not Coming Home" Parade, a float demonstration/funeral procession by student activists of the Campus Antiwar Network, commemorating the fallen soldiers of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Princeton, New Jersey
Vigil vs. Afghanistan War
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 6 p.m. (until 7 p.m.)
Where: Palmer Square
Sponsor(s): Coalition for Peace Action
Contact: Coalition for Peace Action (www.peacecoalition.org - [email protected] - 609-924-5022)
Vigil with posters during daylight portion, then holding candles as darkness falls.
Trenton, New Jersey
Rally vs. Afghanistan War
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: State House Steps (125 W. State St.)
Sponsor(s): Coalition for Peace Action
Contact: Coalition for Peace Action (www.peacecoalition.org - [email protected] - 609-924-5022)
At site where over 25 media outlets are stationed, help us get our message out! Students, religious, business and labor leaders will speak. Tom Mullian will provide music.
Albany, New York
Rally US out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan Now! Bring the Troops Home Now!
When: Saturday, October 17 at 12 noon
Where: Rally at State Capital Building (West Capital Park)
Sponsor(s): Northeast Peace and Justice Action Coalition
Contact: (518) 439-1968 or [email protected] (or visit http://www.nepajac.org/)
Following the opening rally there will be a march from the capital building along Washington Ave., to Lark Street, to Madison, returning to the starting point at West Capital Park. US out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan Now! Bring the Troops Home Now!
Kingston, New York
Rally for ending Afghanistan and Iraq wars
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m. (until 3:30 p.m.)
Where: Academy Green Park, 5 minutes from NY Thruway exit #19. Academy Green Park is in the Uptown section of Kingston. From the traffic circle at NY Thruway Exit 19, go around the circle and emerge via the Chandler Drive outlet. At the first traffic light, turn right on Albany Ave. for about a block and you're there. Park in the lot of a small shopping center or on area streets.
Sponsor(s): Peace and Social Progress Now!, Middle East Crisis Response, Mid-Hudson ANSWER, Hudson Valley Activist Newsletter, Caribbean and Latin America Support Project.
Contact: [email protected] or (845) 255-5779
Speakers will analyze the wars and call for immediate U.S. withdrawal of troops.
New York, New York
Art for Afghanistan
When: Friday, October 16 at 3 p.m. (until 5 p.m.)
Where: Washington Square Park by the statue
Sponsor(s): Radical Art Initiatitive
Contact: [email protected]
Artists display paintings, photos and other art pertaining to the war and the people of Afghanistan in a silent art protest.
Rockland County, New York
Vigil to End the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars & Occupations Troops Out Now!
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m. (until 3 p.m.)
Where: Route 59 and Middletown Road (northwest corner) Nanuet, N.Y.
Contact: Visit rocklandaction.org for more information.
The vigil is held weekly at the same time and location, however the participants are taking steps to organize an extra large turnout for the October 17 event as part of the national day of actions.
Car Pool to Albany: The Rockland Coalition is also organizing a car pool to attend the October 17 protest in Albany NY. Those interested should contact [email protected].
Charlotte, North Carolina
When: Saturday, October 17. Time to be announced.
Sponsor(s): Action Center for Justice
Contact: (704) 759-6529 or [email protected]
Planning is underway for an event to mark October 17 as a national day of local and regional anti-war protests. Check http://charlotteaction.blogspot.com/ for more information.
Akron, Ohio
Rally, march and music - Fund People’s Needs not War and Greed
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m. (until 2:30 p.m.)
Where: Gazebo, Lake Anna, Barberton, Ohio
Sponsor(s): Barberton Norton Wadsworth Peace Group / Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee / Akron African United Front / Progressive Democrats of America, Ohio / Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron / Single Payer Action Network Summit Co
Contact: Barberton-Norton-Wadsworth Peace Group (330-644-4249) or American Friends Service Committee (330-928-2301)
Special Guest: Music by Akron’s own “Zach” at 1:30pm in the gazebo
Cincinnati, Ohio
Stop the War in Afghanistan Rally
When: Friday, October 16 at 4 p.m. (until 6 p.m.)
Where: Northside Hoffner Park, 4104 Hamilton Ave.
Sponsor(s): Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center.
Contact: 513-579-8547.
Cleveland, Ohio
Troops Out Now - Rally & March followed by Kites for Peace
When: Saturday, October 17, at 12:30 p.m.
Where: Market Square Park, Lorain and W. 25th St. Rally and Kite decorating at Market Square Park. March on W. 25th St and through Ohio City.
Sponsor(s): Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition (NOAC)
Contact: 216-736-4716 or [email protected] (or visit http://www.noacinfo.org/)
Columbus, Ohio
Health Care Not Warfare Out of Iraq & Afghanistan - Bring the Troops Home Now!
When: Saturday, October 17 at 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: Two locations: (1) North Broadway and High St. (2) Route 161 and North High St.
Sponsor(s): Progressive Peace Coalition.
Contact: [email protected] or visit http://www.columbuspeacenetwork.org/.
These vigils are a weekly anti-war presence. The October 17th vigils will mark the call for a national day of local anti-war actions. Plans are being made for a city-wide event following the vigils later in the afternoon.
Dayton, Ohio
When: Saturday, October 17.
Sponsor(s): Dayton Peace Action September 11 Coalition
Contact: Visit september11coalition.org for more information.
Groups will be holding street-corner demonstrations to protest United States participation in war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The date will also commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium which brought hundreds of thousands of people into the streets to protest that war.
Beaver, Pennsylvania
Rally to Bring the Troops Home Now. Health Care not Warfare.
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m.
Where: Beaver County Courthouse
Sponsor(s): Beaver County PeaceLinks and 4th CD Chapter of Progressive Democrats of America.
Contact: 724-843-0545
Speakers will include Tim Carpenter, National Director of Progressive Democrats of America.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March & Rally - U.S. Out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan NOW! Money for Jobs and Human needs, not for wars and corporate greed!
When: Saturday, October 17 at 11 a.m.
Where: Gather at Philadelphia City Hall, march starts at 12 Noon.
Sponsor(s): Philadelphia October 17 Mobilization Committee
Contact: [email protected] or visit http://www.prawnworks.net/
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Protest U.S. wars
When: Saturday, October 17 at 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: 3rd & Market Street (Post Office corner).
A group of Lewisburg area people gather at this location every Saturday to make a public statement against the wars. Join them October 17 or any Saturday.
Toa Alta, Puerto Rico
Peace For All - Paz para todos
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 8 p.m.
Where: Within Colegio Nacional premises at At Colegio Nacional road 861 KM 11.3
Sponsor(s): Colegio Nacional de PR
This will be a morning prayer asking for PEACE and stopping war. Ruego por PAZ PARA TODOS Y NO GUERRA
Columbia, South Carolina
When: Saturday, October 17. Time to be announced.
Where: To be announced.
Sponsor(s): South Carolina Progressive Network.
Contact: Visit http://www.scpronet.com/ for more information.
Planning is underway to have an event in Columbia, SC to mark October 17 as a national day of local anti-war protests. Details to be announced. Check back for more information.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Rally and March: U.S./NATO Out! Bring the Troops Home Now! End Colonial Occupation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Haiti ... Money for Healthcare, Jobs, Housing, Education, Not for War!
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 1 p.m.
Where: 41st and Louise Avenue.
Sponsor(s): South Dakota ANSWER
Contact: [email protected]
Austin, Texas
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 6 p.m.
Where: State Capitol (112 East 11th Street)
Austin, Texas
On the 8th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq - Healthcare Not Warfare
When: Saturday, October 17 at 3 p.m. (until 6 p.m.)
Where: Austin City Hall (301 W. Cesar Chavez St.)
Sponsor(s): Texans for Peace, Women in Black, CodePink, VFP, International ANSWER, CAMEO, Austin Center for Peace and Justice, IVAW, and more
Contact: Visit www.texansforpeace.org/HealthcareNotWarfare or www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=74986729956&ref=mf
Dallas, Texas
When: Saturday, October 17 at 10 a.m.
Where: Outside the offices of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, 10440 North Central Expressway
Sponsor(s): Dallas Peace Center.
Contact: [email protected] or 214-823-7793.
Join Medea Benjamin at the Dallas Peace Center demonstration against war in Afghanistan. At 11 a.m., a caravan will leave to drive to Austin for the 3 p.m. rally there.
McAllen, Texas
Say No to the Border Wall & the Wars! Say Yes to Amnesty, Health Care & Peace! Out of Iraq & Afghanistan – Bring the Troops Home Now!
When: Sunday, October 18 at 4 p.m.
Where: Assemble in Archer Park. March to the Federal Building.
Sponsor(s): People for Peace and Justice; Amnesty International, STC Chapter; ARISE, Inc.; Rev. Robert Clark; Holy Spirit Peace & Justice Committee; Islamic Society of South Texas; LUPE (La Union del Pueblo Enteros); Military Families Speak Out; Proyecto Azteca; Southwest Workers Union; Students for Peace;
Contact: 956-239-7015
Richmond, Virginia
When: To be announced.
Where: To be announced.
Contact: [email protected] or (804) 644-5834
Aberdeen, Washington
Out of Afghanistan Demonstration
When: Saturday, October 10 at 12 noon (until 1 p.m.)
Where: Zelasko Park (on "F" Street between Heron and Wishkah Streets, on the Wishkah River)
Sponsor(s): "What is Next?" (www.whatisnext.us), Grays Harbor Port Militarization Resistance (GHPMR - www.ghpmr.org)
Contact: Gary Murrell (360-533-8039 - [email protected] - [email protected])
Anti-War Demonstration. Bring signs.
Seattle, Washington
End the War in Afghanistan
When: Wednesday, October 7 at 5 p.m.
Where: Intersection of 23rd and Jackson
Sponsor(s): ANSWER Coalition Seattle
Contact: [email protected] or 206-568-1661
Gather with signs and banners to create community visibility against the US occupation of Afghanistan.
Seattle, Washington
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m.
Where: SCCC (Broadway & Pine)
Contact: [email protected] or visit october17antiwarseattle.blogspot.com
March thru So. Capitol Hill, the International District, and up First Ave. U.S. out of Afghanistan Now! End at Westlake Center (4th and Pine).
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
When: Saturday, October 17 at 1 p.m. (until 2 p.m.)
Where: Phoenix Park
From the Iraq Moratorium website: Join us at Phoenix Park to protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mid-October marks the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium, which was the largest demonstration in American history for any cause. Unfortunately, forty years later the U.S. is still fighting illegitimate wars. We have to stand up to stop these immoral conflicts.
Hayward, Wisconsin
When: Saturday, October 17 at 4 p.m. (until 6 p.m.)
Where: Corner of Hwy 63 and 27.
From the Iraq Moratorium website: Please join us for this special Saturday evening demonstration. Good parking, bring a sign or use ours. Let’s gather in support of this National Day of Action.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
When: Saturday, October 17. Time to be announced.
Where: To be announced.
Check back for more info.