In yet another instance of racist police murder, Sacramento cops killed Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old Black man on March 18. Despite the fact that Stephon was completely unarmed, two police officers fired 20 shots at him while he was standing in his own backyard. Protesters in Sacramento and across the country took to the streets to demand justice.
Below are photos and video from recent actions, and a list of upcoming actions in Sacramento, Sarasota and Chicago.
Solidarity action in New York City:
Upcoming actions against racist police terror
Sacramento, California
Vigil for Stephon #JusticeForZoe
Saturday, March 31
7:00 p.m.
Florin & 65th St
RSVP on Facebook
Sarasota, Florida
Justice 4 Chad Washington! Drop the charges and fire the cops!
Saturday, March 31
6:30 p.m.
1 Central Ave
RSVP on Facebook
Chicago, Illinois
Justice for Stephon, Laquan, Alton & All Victims of Racist Police Terror
Monday, April 2
6:00 p.m.
Historic Water Tower, North Michigan Avenue (806 N Michigan Ave.)
RSVP on Facebook