Wed., Feb. 20, 7:00 pm University of Maryland, College Park campus Nyumburu Cultural Center
Panel Discussion on the Cuban Five
* Bill Norris, trial and appeals attorney for Ramón Labañino
* Kurt Schmoke, former dean, currently General Counsel, Howard Univ. School of Law
* Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report
* Brian Becker, coordinator, ANSWER Coalition
* José Pertierra, attorney for Venezuela in Posada extradition matter
Dear Friends of the Five:
This year there will be many university forums and panel discussions on the case of the Five and their struggle for freedom, throughout the United States. This forum - with renowned jurists and intellectuals / activists at the University of Maryland - is another event to reach college students and teachers, to further expand knowledge of the case and to increase pressure on the government of Washington. We hope to see you if you live in the area, and please invite your friends in the Maryland and Washington area. Contact us if you can organize a similar event in your college or city at: [email protected].