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The police raid on the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) in the early hours of the morning today involved a “truly massive show of force by the NYPD all over lower Manhattan,” according to ANSWER Coalition organizers who were present.
This is part of a nationally coordinated effort to drive the new movement from public spaces.
A New York State Judge just denied a motion by OWS seeking to be allowed back into Zuccotti Park with their tents and sleeping bags.
This movement is not over. It is just beginning. We will mobilize in the streets, and in our communities and schools and in the courts to defend our basic rights.
This Thursday. Nov. 17, thousands of New Yorkers will take to the streets in multiple demonstrations and neighborhood occupations to show their determination to win social and economic justice. Check the AnswerCoalition.org website for details. Nov. 17 is billed as an International Day of Action.
People throughout the country are angry and determined to sustain and expand this new, growing social justice protest movement in spite of the coordinated police assaults against activists in cities and towns throughout the country.
We want to thank everyone who has joined in the national campaign demanding that the charges be dropped for the more than 700 people who were illegally arrested while peacefully marching on the Brooklyn Bridge on Oct. 1.
More than 8,000 letters in the last three days have flooded the offices of the Manhattan District Attorney and Mayor Bloomberg. Today, the first group of arrestees had to appear in court. It was an important moment, and Michael Moore’s web site, MichaelMoore.com, featured the campaign on its front page today and urged people to send a letters to the DA and Mayor. We wanted to share a follow-up email from the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), which can be seen below.
MichaelMoore.com supports dropping the charges
Support the Brooklyn Bridge arrestees in court today, request charges be dropped
Defenders of Free Speech rights are rallying all across the country in the face of unrelenting police assaults, mass arrests and evictions aimed to stifle the new protest movement.
By acting together and acting now each of us can make a difference.
People rallied throughout the night to support the rights of the Occupy Wall Street encampment as the NYPD moved to destroy the protest.
Today and throughout the week, the first large groups of Brooklyn Bridge arrestees are having to return to court.
Michael Moore’s website MichaelMoore.com has joined the demand that free speech be protected by asking Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, Jr. to drop the charges against the more than 700 people who were illegally arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge on October 1.
MichaelMoore.com is featuring a front page call to drop the charges and an article written by Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Executive Director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) that exposes the illegality of the notorious police tactic known as “Trap and Arrest”.
Over the last three days there has been a massive outpouring from thousands who have called on the Manhattan D.A. to dismiss all charges.
Join in now with the thousands of people who have sent a letter to District Attorney Cyrus Vance and Mayor Michael Bloomberg demanding that all charges be dropped against those arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Free Speech is a cherished right but it must defended in the courts and the streets.
In solidarity,
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund