September 12, 2015 at 1:00pm - 3pm

Drought crisis - Oil spill - Climate change dangers - Polluted communities...


#PlanetOverProfitsLA #SaveCali

From the devastating California drought, to the recent oil spill in Santa Barbara, to reckless oil drilling in arctic waters and fracking, giant corporations have plundered and destroyed the environment all over the globe in order to reap huge profits.

Uncontrolled climate change has put California and the entire planet eco-system in crisis. Poor and oppressed communities are devastated by corporate dumping and contamination.

A grassroots movement of all the people can challenge the corporate polluters and reverse the current crisis.

If you agree with these demands, join the Planet Over Profits Coalition in the streets on September 12!

STOP & PUNISH CORPORATE POLLUTERS! From Santa Barbara to the Gulf of Mexico, big oil and other big polluters must pay!

IMMEDIATE ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE--ENFORCE AND LOWER EMISSIONS REGULATIONS NOW! Necessary emissions standards are ignored by our government because the status quo is more profitable for big business. California, the planet and all living things are in peril. Immediate action is needed now!

DROUGHT SOLUTIONS FOR US, NOT CORPORATIONS! Companies like Nestle and big agribusiness are wasting untold gallons of water unnecessarily, yet the government allows them to continue. Restrict the big corporate water wasters!

END ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM! In Watts and beyond, poor communities of color are dumping grounds for big polluters. Our health is more important than their profits! 
All natural wealth belongs to the people of the world, not giant polluters. Stop Nestle, Monsanto, nuclear waste, fracking, big oil and coal, depleted uranium, and all U.S. military pollution worldwide.

The people can make a difference! 

  • Stop corporate plundering of the environment!
  • Government must take action to regulate emissions of big polluters
  • Jail the polluters! Seize Nestle, Monsanto, Shell and Big Oil!
  • Water and all natural wealth belong to the people!
  • Reparations for communities devastated by toxic waste!
  • U.S. polluters out of Native lands! Honor the treaties. Stop nuclear contamination!
  • Save the Santa Barbara Channel!
  • Safe food for all – end hunger!
  • Justice for small farmers!
  • YES to people’s and planet’s needs – NO to corporate greed!

Join the Planet Over Profit Coalition and help mobilize for this action

ENDORSED BY: Food and Water Watch; The Red Nation; Carson Coalition; Stop Ventura Fracking; KmB Pro People Youth; FMLN; FSLN; Worker-Student Alliance; Revolution LA; and more...

#PlanetOverProfitsLA #SaveCali

Initiated by ANSWER Los Angeles

To Endorse or for more information, call (323) 394-3611 or email [email protected].

Chuck Anderson David Feldman Melina Vianney William Sweezer-Jankular Michelle Schudel Keyanna Celina Jacklyn Gebhard Darren C Jerry Rivers askari moyenda Melina Melina Ezequiel Aguilar Rachel Bruhnke Francisco Ramirez rick macias John Beacham John Fortier Tina Kelly Christopher Banks Preston Wood Lauren Grether Danny Gresham Mike Prysner Ben Huff Edgar Melina Gonzalez Nick Pardee Iris Lovelace Joe Delaplaine Douglas Kauffman

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