Sun. Jan. 9 - People's Tribunal on Posada's Crimes
Mon. Jan. 10 - Protest Rally when Posada's Trial Begins
Ramsey Clark to be one of the Tribunal participants
It has been a long and cruel 5-1/2 years for the families of the victims of anti-Cuba terrorist Luis Posada Carriles who have sought justice for their loved ones ever since Posada first arrived in Miami in 2005.
Despite Posada Carriles’ bloody history of murder and torture, he has been given refuge by the U.S. government, which refuses to honor Venezuela’s order for his extradition or to seriously prosecute him as required by international law.
The Tribunal will be hosted at the Unitarian Universalist Church in El Paso on Sun., Jan. 9. Evidence and testimony will be presented by expert witnesses, who will expose to the public and media the real crimes of Posada: among them, his role in directing the Cubana plane bombing and the 1997 Havana hotel bombings. Community members will serve as jury, hear the evidence from witnesses, and render a judgment on behalf of the people. Mountains of evidence to prove Posada’s crimes are already in the hands of the U.S. government, but it has so far refused to act as obligated by law: To either extradite him to Venezuela where he planned the plane bombing, or be tried by the U.S. government for the murder of 73 people in that bombing, as stipulated by the Montreal Convention of 1971 (“Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation”). Please support our work by making an urgently needed donation. |
It is widely known that Posada is responsible for the bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455 in 1976, which killed 73 passengers and crew members. In 1997, Posada directed a series of bombings in Havana hotels by hiring Central American mercenaries to plant the bombs. One of those bombs killed Italian tourist Fabio Di Celmo in Sept. 1997.
New developments in Posada’s case make the demand for his extradition and prosecution more urgent than ever!
In July 2010, Salvadoran terrorist Francisco Chávez Abarca — one of Posada’s accomplices — was arrested as he tried to enter Venezuela at Maiquetía airport. He was immediately extradited to Cuba. In a stunning new documentary, "The Path of Terror" (click here to watch the documentary), Chávez Abarca admits to having planted bombs on Posada's orders in Havana hotels in the summer of 1997, which caused extensive damage and injury. Other mercenaries who were convicted in Cuba of planting bombs as well, Otto René Rodríguez Llerena and Raúl Cruz León, admit that they were contracted by Posada.
Since the early 1960s, Posada Carriles has sown death and terror throughout Latin America as an operative for the CIA. He was trained in Ft. Benning, Ga., in the use and manufacture of explosives, and has used his terror training countless times.
In March 2005, Posada entered the United States illegally through Miami. Except for a short time in U.S. detention, he has been allowed to live freely in Miami, where he has met with other notorious anti-Cuba terrorists and encouraged continued terrorist attacks.
Despite worldwide condemnation of Posada and demands for his extradition to Venezuela — where he planned the Cuban plane bombing with his accomplice Orlando Bosch — the U.S. government is only putting Posada on trial for minor charges of perjury and immigration fraud. The trial begins Jan. 10 in an El Paso federal court.
Come to El Paso to Demand:
- Extradite Posada to Venezuela to face trial
- Free the Cuban Five
- Stop U.S. terrorism against Cuba
While Posada faces minor charges, he will be tried by a "People's Tribunal" on Sunday, Jan. 9 at 4 pm in El Paso. There will be a protest rally on Monday, Jan. 10 at 8 am at the courthouse where Posada's trial will be held.
The ANSWER Coalition — which has spearheaded a campaign for justice and Posada's extradition after he entered the United States — along with the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, the National Network on Cuba and other organizations, are sponsoring the events.
The "People's Tribunal" will hear the charges of terrorism against Posada and his accomplices. The U.S. government's support for the Miami terrorists will also be on trial.
Participants in the People's Tribunal include:
- Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General
- Jose Pertierra, Venezuela's attorney for the extradition order of Posada
- Keith Bolender, author of "Voices From the Other Side: An Oral History of Terrorism Against Cuba," the testimony of Cuban victims of Miami-based terrorism.
- Gloria La Riva, coordinator, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
- Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition
- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Co-founder, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund
Activists are mobilizing in El Paso, Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Austin, Phoenix and other cities! If you can attend and help mobilize for these important actions, please write us at [email protected] or call 202-265-1948.