Wednesday, July 28, 5pm
Rally at Arizona State Capitol at 5pm
Corner of Adams & 17th
Sponsored by ANSWER and others
Thursday, July 29
Rally at Wells Fargo at 9am
1st Ave. and Washington
Rally at the 4th Ave. jail at 4pm
4th Ave. and Madison
Sponsored by Alto Arizona and others
This Thursday, July 29, Arizona's racist, anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, goes into effect. SB 1070 enshrines racial profiling and immigrant bashing into law. A wave of protest has greeted SB 1070 since it was passed in April. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Arizona and across the country. In July, a major demonstration organized by the ANSWER Coalition greeted Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer at a national governors' conference (see photo to the right).
Protests this week are happening in Arizona and around the country. On July 28, the night before SB 1070 takes effect, ANSWER and other community organizations will gather at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix for a march and rally. People are coming from Phoenix, Tucson and Flagstaff in Arizona, as well as Nevada, New Mexico and California to make their voices heard. This is the only major protest in Arizona before SB 1070 becomes law. Click here to endorse the July 28th protest. To contact ANSWER in Phoenix, call 480-414-6553 or email [email protected].
ANSWER organizers in Phoenix are also mobilizing for the July 29 actions organized by Alto Arizona and others. People are traveling from across the country to participate in the National Day of Noncompliance. Together, we are working to build a united movement to stop racism and for full rights and equality. An injury to one is an injury to all!
Join us to demand:
Repeal Arizona’s SB 1070 and HB 2281!
No to all anti-immigrant legislation!
No human being is illegal—Full rights for all!
Stop Joe Arpaio! End all racial profiling and police brutality!
Stop the raids and deportations now!
Stop the budget cuts! Jobs, healthcare, education and housing—not war!
Protests across the country to stop anti-immigrant racism:
Los Angeles, CA
*Wed, July 28, 8am
Carpool to Arizona (please contact us first)
*Fri, July 30, 10am
Federal Building
300 N. Los Angeles, LA
Sponsored by the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition
ANSWER LA: 213-251-1025, [email protected]
San Francisco, CA
*Thurs, July 29, 5:30pm
24th and Mission Sts.
Sponsored by various organizations
ANSWER SF: 415-821-6545, [email protected]
New Haven, CT
*Wed, July 28, 6pm
141 Church Street
Sponsored by ANSWER CT and Unidad Latina en Acción
ANSWER CT: 203-606-0319, [email protected]
Homestead, FL (near Miami)
*Sat, July 31, 6pm
Festival at Losner Park
104 N. Krome Ave.
Sponsored by WeCount! Community Worker Center
Orlando, FL
*Sat, July 31, 5pm
Florida Attorney General's Office
137 W. Central Blvd.
ANSWER FL: 321-437-4785 or [email protected]
Tallahassee, FL
*Sat, July 31, 5:00pm
400 South Monroe Street
Sponsored by FSU CPE (Florida State University Central for Participant Education)
West Palm Beach, FL
*Sat, July 31, 5pm
Florida Attorney General's Office
1515 N. Flagler Drive
Sponsored by Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights
ANSWER FL: 305-710-3189 or [email protected]
Chicago, IL
*Thur, July 29, 4pm
Cook County Jail: 26th & California
Initiated by the Moratorium on Deportations Campaign. Dozens of pro-immigrant groups will be joining the protest. ANSWER Chicago calls on all progressives to take a stand against the attacks on immigrants.
ANSWER Chicago: 773-463-0311, [email protected]
Boston, MA
*Thur, July 29, 5:30pm
Gather at Park St. T station
March to the Fox News headquarters on Boston Common, near the State House
Sponsored and endorsed by the Boston May Day Coalition, Student Immigrant Movement (SIM), ANSWER Coalition, Latinos for Social Change, Mass Global Action, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party and many others
ANSWER Boston: 857-334-5084, [email protected]
Albuquerque, NM
*Wed, July 28, 7am
Transportation to Phoenix
Car pooling from 202 Harvard Drive SE
ANSWER Albuquerque: 505-268-2488, [email protected]
New York City, NY
*Thur, July 29, 9:30am
Gather at Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn
March across the Brooklyn Bridge
Sponsored by Churches United to Save and Heal, Families for Freedom, American Friends Service Committee-NJ, New York New Sanctuary Coalition, Immigrant Defense Project, Wind of the Spirit, The Black Institute, & Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights
ANSWER NYC: 212-694-8720, [email protected]
Syracuse, NY
*Thur, July 29, 12noon
Federal Building: S. Clinton and Washington
Initiated by: Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse
Endorsed by: the Syracuse ANSWER Coalition and many others
ANSWER Syracuse: 315-491-6987, [email protected]
Philadelphia, PA
*Tue, July 27, 6pm
Outside 3rd base entrance of Phillies Stadium, 11th St. and Pattison Ave.
during Phillies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks game
*Thur, July 29, 11am-1pm
Welcome Park: 2nd & Sansome, march to ICE building
Organized by the New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia
ANSWER Philly: 267-275-8008, [email protected]