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The Pentagon and Trump administration are racing towards an expanded war in Syria, threatening potentially massive airstrikes that would violate international law, take countless lives, boost Qaeda-affiliated armed groups and could lead to an even wider regional war.
The Pentagon is looking for a way to make a permanent U.S. military presence in Syria and gain leverage to eventually carry out "regime change" in Syria, the same disastrous and destructive policy that they carried out in Iraq and Libya. They are using the allegation of a chemical weapons attack as a pretext for this new escalation. But on Thursday, April 12, Defense Secretary Gen. James (Mad Dog) Mattis admitted at the House of Representatives: "I cannot tell you that we had evidence, even though we had a lot of media and social media indicators that either chlorine or sarin were used."
Nonetheless, Trump dangerously tweeted: "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'"
People from all over the country are holding demonstrations to say "No!" to a new war in the Middle East. No U.S. war against Syria!
Find a demonstration near you. Check out the list of announced actions below that ANSWER is calling or supporting. You can continue to check for new activities on our website or fill out this form to submit your protest for us to list.
If you do not see your city below, additional actions can be found on the Spring Action 2018 website as part of the 'End the Wars at Home and Abroad' Call to Action.