Saturday, Oct. 26
Gather in front of Union Station at 11:30am
March to the Capitol Reflecting Pool begins at 12:00pm
Washington, D.C.
Buses, vans and car caravans are coming to D.C. from across the country for this important march and rally, which the ANSWER Coalition is endorsing.
Volunteers are needed! Call 202-265-1948 to volunteer with ANSWER at the demonstration.
The National Security Agency is currently operating an illegal spying apparatus with the goal of monitoring all of the world’s electronic communications. In the process, the U.S. government has used lies and deceit, including lying before Congress under sworn oath, to hide the true extent of its program. They have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to a whole range of major internet and telephone companies in a bid to gain access to the call, email and internet histories of people, governments and foreign corporations.
This massive machine, being run by the Pentagon, has nothing to do with “national security.” If knowledge truly is power, then it is clear that this spying machine is an attempt to affect control over the world’s population by sucking up all the information that is transmitted or stored electronically.
The government crackdown on the Occupy movement, where Federal and local agencies have attempted to criminalize dissent, has given us a taste of how domestic opposition to war and austerity can quickly be branded a “threat” and thus be subject to suppression - aided and abetted by this massive spy system. This illegal program represents a threat to the ability to oppose the oppresive policies of the U.S. government and it violates the constitutional rights of every American as well as the human rights of people around the world. End the NSA spying program now!
The Stop Watching US rally is sponsored by a wide range of organizations, including the ANSWER Coalition.