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Declaración de la Coalición ANSWER — Actúe Ahora Para Parar la Guerra y Poner Fin al Racismo

En respuesta a la movilización de decenas de miles de palestinos para defender el derecho a vivir en el vecindario palestino de Sheikh Jarrah en Jerusalén Este y al culto en la mezquita de Al-Aqsa, Israel ha desatado acciones asesinas en toda la Palestina ocupada. Al-Aqsa es un símbolo nacional icónico del pueblo palestino y uno de los lugares más sagrados del Islam, y ha sido blanco repetidamente de extremistas sionistas que quieren apoderarse de él.

El gobierno israelí ha indicado que está preparado para una prolongada campaña militar contra el pueblo palestino. El 10 de mayo, un ataque horriblemente violento y profano en Al-Aqsa dejó a más de 400 palestinos heridos, y 250 sufrieron heridas lo suficientemente graves como para requerir tratamiento hospitalario. La policía israelí disparó indiscriminadamente enormes cantidades de balas de acero cubiertas de plástico, gases lacrimógenos y otras municiones contra las multitudes para los manifestantes, incluidas granadas explosivas lanzadas contra la propia mezquita. En respuesta, las fuerzas palestinas dispararon cientos de cohetes contra Israel desde Gaza. En la última escalada, Israel lanzó cientos de ataques aéreos en la Franja de Gaza que hasta ahora han matado a más de 30 personas, muchas de ellas niños. Dos millones de personas están atrapadas en Gaza por la ocupación israelí y no tienen defensas antiaéreas.

De manera cínica y imperialista, los líderes estadounidenses han reiterado su típico refrán al revés: "Israel tiene derecho a defenderse", como si Israel fuera la víctima y el pueblo palestino oprimido los agresores. Más importante que las despreciables mentiras que emanan de las bocas de la burocracia de Washington son los más de 4.000 millones de dólares y el apoyo político indispensable que Estados Unidos proporciona a Israel. Este apoyo continúa a pesar de que en los últimos meses, dos organizaciones moderadas de derechos humanos, una israelí, B'tselem, y uno con sede en EE.UU., Human Rights Watch, han emitido un informe que prueba de manera concluyente que Israel es un estado de apartheid. El apartheid es un crimen internacional contra la humanidad.

Resistencia masiva de todos los segmentos de Palestina

La profundidad y amplitud de la resistencia palestina ha conmocionado a los gobernantes de Israel, Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y muchos regímenes de la región, incluida Jordania, cuya población es más de la mitad de ascendencia palestina y que es el "guardián" oficial de la Mezquita de Al-Aqsa. La nueva ola de resistencia ha visto protestas masivas no solo en ciudades y pueblos de Cisjordania y Jerusalén Este, sino también en muchas ciudades palestinas dentro de las fronteras de 1948 de Israel. Desde estas últimas ciudades, miles de palestinos han viajado para participar en la oración del Ramadán en Al-Aqsa y muchos se han unido a las protestas frente a la mezquita y a Sheik Jarrah. Se han llevado a cabo protestas de solidaridad en muchos otros países, incluida una gran marcha en Yemen.

Se están llevando a cabo o están previstas muchas manifestaciones de solidaridad en los Estados Unidos. Desde su fundación, la Coalición ANSWER, que ha apoyado la heroica lucha del pueblo palestino por la autodeterminación y el derecho al retorno, hace un llamamiento a todas las personas que defienden la justicia y la liberación. para unirse a las protestas que tienen lugar en todo el país. ¡Ahora es el momento de actuar!

¡Busque la acción en tu ciudad!:


Denver: Saturday, May 29, 3 PM | Location: Colorado State Capitol | Organized by Act for Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook

District of Columbia

Washington, D.C.: Saturday, May 29, 3 PM | Location: Lincoln Memorial | Organized by American Muslims for Palestine, Muslim American Society, ICNA Council for Social Justice, Muslim Ummah of North America, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Leadership Council of New York | Spread the word on Facebook


Fort Wayne: Saturday, May 29, 1 PM | Location: Allen County Courthouse | Organized by Indiana Center for Middle East Peace; National Lawyers Guild, Indiana Chapter | Spread the word on Facebook

Si tienes información de una acción en tu ár


Acciones pasadas:


Huntsville: Saturday, May 15, 10 AM | Location: Airport Road and Whitesburg Drive | Organized by North Alabama Peace Network, Green Party of Madison County | Spread the word on Facebook

Huntsville: Saturday, May 22, 10 AM | Location: Whitesburg Drive and Airport Road | North Alabama Peace Network, Green Party of Madison County


Anchorage: Saturday, May 15, 3PM | Location: MLK Jr. Living Memorial | Organized by PSL - Party for Socialism and Liberation | Spread the word on Facebook


Phoenix: Saturday, May 15, 12-2 PM | Location: 1700 W Washington St. | Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine ASU, Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance, Party for Socialism and Liberation Phoenix, Anakbayan Phoenix, MECHA de ASU


Fayetteville: Friday, May 14, 12 PM | Location: Washington County Courthouse | Organized by Arkansas Nonviolence Alliance | Spread the word on Facebook


Anaheim: Friday, May 21, 4PM | Location: Intersection of W Orange Ave & S Brookhurst St | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, Arab American Civic Council, Yalla Indivisible, ANSWER Coalition

Arcata: Saturday, May 15, 2 PM | Location: Arcata Plaza | Organized by Humboldt Peace and Freedom Party | Spread the word on Facebook

Davis: Thursday, May 13, 4:30 PM | Location: 5th and B St. at Central Park | Organized by Yolo Grassroots Collective, CAIR Sacramento Valley, Yolo People Power, Party for Socialism and Liberation Yolo, Yolo Democratic Socialists of America | Spread the word on Facebook

Davis: Tuesday, May 18, 5PM | Location: 5th and B St. | Organized by Yolo Grassroots Collective | Spread the word on Facebook

Eureka: Friday, May 14, 5 PM | Location: Eureka Court House | Organized by Humboldt Peace an Freedom and ANSWER Coalition | Spread the word on Facebook

Eureka: Friday, May 21, 5 PM | Location: Eureka Court House | Organized by Humboldt Peace and Freedom Party | Spread the word on Facebook

Fresno: Saturday, May 15, 6:30-8 PM | Location: Corner of Blackstone and Ness near River Park | Organized by Peace Fresno. Co-sponsors: Palestine Freedom Project, Local Palestinian Community, Fresno Center for Nonviolence, Fresno Chapter Veterans For Peace, Reedley Peace Center, World Beyond War

Fresno: Tuesday, May 18, 7PM | Location: The corner of Blackstone & Nees 

Fresno: Saturday, May 22, 7 PM | Location: Blackstone and Nees

Los Angeles: Saturday, May 15, 12 PM | Location: Wilshire Federal Building (11000, Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, 90024) | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, FDPM, Yalla Indivisible, Al-Awda The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Palestinian American Women's Association, ANSWER Coalition, American Muslims for Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook

Los Angeles: Tuesday, May 18, 12 noon | Location: 11766 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025 | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right of Return Coalition, Palestinian American Women's Association, American Muslims for Palestine, Yalla Indivisible, Free Democratic Palestine Movement, U.S. Palestinian Community Network

Modesto: Friday, May 21, 5 PM | Location: Modesto Centre Plaza, 1000 L St, Modesto, CA 95354

Modesto: Saturday, May 22, 10 AM | Location: Vintage Faire Mall, 3401 Dale Rd Suite 483 | Organized by Central Valley BIPOC Coalition & ANSWER Coalition

Modesto: Saturday, May 22, 2 PM | Location: Islamic Center of Modesto, 1445 N Carpenter Rd, Modesto, CA 95358 | Organized by Concerned Citizens of Modesto

Oxnard: Sunday, May 16, 11 AM | Location: 500 S C St, Oxnard, CA 93030 | Organized by Spoop Podcast

Petaluma: Sunday, May 16, 12 PM | Location: Penry Park (226 Kentucky St, Petaluma, CA 94952-2879, United States)| Spread the word on Facebook 

Sacramento: Friday, May 14, 3:30 PM | Location: 501, I St. Sacramento, 95814 | Organized by Sacramento Democrats for Justice in Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook

Sacramento: Friday, May 21, 3:30 PM | Location: 1600 J St | Organized by ANSWER and NorCal Resist | Spread the word on Facebook

San Diego: Saturday, May 15, 1PM | Location: 6th Ave & Laurel St. | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement | Spread the word on Facebook

San Diego: Tuesday, May 18, 4 PM | Location: Federal Building (880 Front St., Federal Plaza) | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) | Spread the word on Facebook

San Diego: Sunday, May 23, 3 PM | Location: 1600 Pacific Hwy | Organized by PYM

San Francisco: Friday, May 14, 5:30 PM | Location: Embarcadero BART

San Francisco: Saturday, May 15, 2PM | Location: 16th St. & Valencia St. 

San Francisco: Tuesday, May 18, 4 PM | Location: 456 Montgomery Street | Organized by Palestine Action Network | Spread the word on Facebook

San Francisco: Saturday, May 22, 11 AM | Location: 16th & Mission Sts. | Organized by Norcal Islamic Council, endorsed by AROC-Arab Resource & Organizing Center, ANSWER Coalition, and many others

San Jose: Wednesday, May 12, 5:30 PM | Location: SJ City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara St. | Organized by American Muslims for Palestine - Bay Area

Santa Clarita: Sunday, May 16, 12 PM | Location: Valencia and McBean (N/E corner) | Organized by SCV Democrats and Progressives | Spread the word on Facebook

Santa Rosa: Saturday, May 22, 12 noon | Location: Courthouse Square | Organized by North Coast Coalition for Palestine, endorsed by ANSWER Coalition

Turlock: Saturday, May 15, 10 AM | Location: 700 N Walnut Rd | Organized by Central Valley BIPOC Coalition & ANSWER Coalition

Ventura: Tuesday, May 18, 6 PM | Location: 800 S Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93009 | Organized by ANSWER Coalition, Black Lives Matter - Ventura County, Ventura Tenants Union | Spread the word on Facebook


Denver: Friday, May 14, 4 PM | Location: CO Capitol Building | Organized by Colorado Palestine Club, ANSWER Coalition Colorado, Party for Socialism and Liberation Denver, Jewish Voice for Peace

Denver: Saturday, May 22, 12 PM | Location: Colorado State Capitol (West Steps) | Organized by Colorado Palestine Club, Act for Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook


Hartford: Saturday, May 15, 12 PM | Location: 450 Main St. | Organized by SJP UConn

New Haven: Saturday, May 22, 12 PM | Location: New Haven Green (New Haven City Hall and County Courthouse) | Spread the word on Facebook

District of Columbia

Washington, D.C. : Saturday, May 15, 3 PM | Location: Washington Monument | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement 

Washington, D.C.: Tuesday, May 18, 3 PM | Location: 3514 International Drive NW/Israeli Embassy | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement


Fort Myers: Saturday, May 22, 5 PM | Location: 2405 1st St, Fort Myers, FL 33901 | Organized by SWFL Democratic Socialists of America | Spread the word on Facebook

Gainesville: Monday, May 17, 7 PM | Location: 200 East University Avenue | Organized by Gainesville Solidarity Network | Spread the word on Facebook

Miami: Sunday, May 16, 5PM | Location: NW 24th St & NW 2nd Ave | Organized by Al-Awda Coalition, Dream Defenders, Jewish Voice for Peace 

Pensacola: Tuesday, May 18, 6 PM | Location: Graffiti Bridge | Organized by The Party for Socialism and Liberation - Central Gulf Coast | Spread the word on Facebook

Tampa: Saturday, May 15, 5 PM | Location: 56th & Fowler | Spread the word on Facebook 

Tampa: Tuesday, May 18, 6 PM | Location: Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park


Atlanta: Saturday, May 15, 1 PM | Location: Fountain of Rings (135 Andrew Young International Blvd NW) | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement

Atlanta: Tuesday, May 18, 7 PM | Location: Israeli Consulate, 1100 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement


Chicago: Wednesday, May 12, 4 PM | Location: Congress & Michigan Ave. | Organized by Coalition for Justice in Palestine (USPCN, AMP, SJP) | Spread the word on Facebook

Chicago: Sunday, May 16, 1 PM | Location: Congress & Michigan Ave. | Organized by Coalition for Justice in Palestine (American Muslims for Palestine, Chicago Islamic Center, Palestinian American Community Center, Palestinian American Council, Students for Justice in Palestine Chicago, United States Palestinian Community Network)

Chicago: Friday, May 21, 4:30 PM | Location: Michigan Ave & Ida B. Wells Drive | Organized by Coalition for Justice in Palestine (AMP, USPCN, SJP, Al-Nahda, Palestinian American Community Center, Palestinian American Council)

Urbana: Sunday, May 23, 2 PM | Location: 202 S Broadway Ave, Urbana, IL | Organized by Muslim American Youth Organization ; Students for Justice in Palestine (UIUC) | Spread the word on Facebook


Fort Wayne: Saturday, May 15, 12-1 PM | Location: Allen County Courthouse | Organized by Indiana Center for Middle East Peace | Spread the word on Facebook

Indianapolis: Saturday, May 15, 6 PM | Location: Soldiers and Sailors Monument (1 Monument Circle) | Organized by Butler SJP, ANSWER Coalition Indiana, Movimiento Cosecha, Indy10 Black Lives Matter, Party for Socialism and Liberation Indiana, Jewish Voice for Peace | Spread the word on Facebook

Indianapolis: Tuesday, May 18, 2:30 PM (protest and march) and 7:30 PM (vigil) | Location: Soldiers and Sailors Monument (1 Monument Circle) | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, Students for Justice in Palestine Butler and IUPUI, ANSWER Indiana, PSL Indianapolis, Indy SURJ, Jewish Voice for Peace - Indiana | Spread the word on Facebook

Indianapolis: Friday, May 21, 6:30 PM | Location: Soldiers and Sailors Monument (1 Monument Circle) | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, Students for Justice in Palestine Butler and IUPUI, ANSWER Indiana, PSL Indianapolis, Indy10 Black Lives Matter, Indy SURJ, Jewish Voice for Peace - Indiana | Spread the word on Facebook


Louisville: Saturday, May 15, 1 PM | Location: Big Four Bridge @ Waterfront Park 1101 River Rd, Louisville, KY 40202 | Organized by Louisville Students for Justice in Palestine (LSJP) | Spread the word on Facebook 


New Orleans: Saturday, May 15, 12PM | Location: 600 Poydras Federal Building | Organized by Workers Voice Socialist Movement | Spread the word on Facebook

New Orleans: Sunday, May 23, 5 PM | Location: 219 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, LA 70112-2007, United States | Organized by Muslim Youth of New Orleans | Spread the word on Facebook


Boston: Saturday, May 15, 2 PM | Location: Copley Square | Organized by Wellesley Students for Justice in Palestine, Northeastern Students for Justice in Palestine, UMASS Amherst Students for Justice in Palestine, ANSWER Coalition Boston, Jericho Movement: Boston Chapter, Party for Socialism and Liberation Boston.

Boston: Tuesday, May 18, 5 PM | Location: Copley Square | Organized by UMASS Boston Students for Justice in Palestine, Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee and Wellesley Students for Justice in Palestine - WSJP | Spread the word on Facebook

Fall River: Friday, May 21, 6 PM | Location: 1 Government Center | Organized by SouthCoast Greens | Spread the word on Facebook


Ann Arbor: Saturday, May 22, 2 PM | Location: 301 E Huron St | Organized by NGPalestine

Dearborn: Sunday, May 16, 1 PM | Location: Ford Community and Performing Arts Center | Organized by SJP Wayne State

Detroit: Saturday, May 15, 2 PM | Location: Arab American Museum | Organized by Palestine Youth Movement, endorsed by Party for Socialism and Liberation Detroit | Spread the word on Facebook

Detroit: Tuesday, May 18, 1:30 PM | Location: 10040 Lapeer Park, Dearborn, MI | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement


Colombia Heights (Minneapolis / St. Paul area): Saturday, May 15, 2-4 PM | Location: 4301 Central Ave NE, Columbia Heights, MN | Organized by Anti-War Committee & American Muslims for Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook


Kansas City: Saturday, May 15, 5 PM | Location: JC Nichols Memorial Fountain (50 W. 47th St.) | Spread the word on Facebook

Springfield: Saturday, May 15, 2-4 PM | Location: Intersection of South St. & Walnut St.  


Las Vegas: Saturday, May 15, 5 PM | Location: Venetian Hotel along Las Vegas Blvd | Organized by Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights and JVP-Las Vegas | Spread the word on Facebook

New Hampshire

Portsmouth: Saturday, May 15, 12 PM | Location: Prescott Park 105 Marcy Street | Organized by New Hampshire United for Palestine

New Jersey

Paterson: Sunday, May 16, 1 PM | Location: Intersection of Main St. & Gould Ave. | Organized by NY4Palestine Coalition, American Muslims for Palestine NJ, Within Our Lifetime, Al-Awda NY PRRC Samidoun

New Mexico

Albuquerque: Saturday, May 15, 3 PM | Location: Tiguex Park, 1800 Mountain Road NW | Organized by Southwest Coalition for Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook

New York

Albany: Wednesday, May 12, 6 PM | Location: West Capitol Park | Organized by the ANSWER Coalition

Albany: Saturday, May 15, 1PM | Location: Townsend Park, 45 Central Ave Albany, NY | Organized by Palestinian Rights Committee - Upper Hudson Peace Action, Jewish Voice for Peace - Albany, ANSWER Coalition | Spread the word on Facebook

Albany: Friday, May 21, 6 PM | Location: Townsend Park | Organized by Masjid As-Salam, Al-Hidaya Center | Spread the word on Facebook

Brooklyn: Saturday, May 15, 4:30 PM | Location: 7114 5th Avenue. | Organized by NY4Palestine Coalition, American Muslims for Palestine NJ, Within Our Lifetime, Al-Awda NY PRRC Samidoun

Ithaca: Sunday, May 16, 1 PM | Location: Milton Pavilion/Ithaca Commons 100 N. Tioga St. | Organized by NY Southern Tier Coalition for Palestine

New Paltz: Saturday, May 15, 12:45 PM | Location: Corner of Front and Main Streets in front of Elting Library | Organized by New Paltz Women in Black, joined by Middle East Crisis Response, Jewish Voice for Peace | Spread the word on Facebook

Syracuse: Saturday, May 15, 11 AM | Location: 100 S Clinton St, Syracuse, NY 13261 | Organized by Islamic Society of Central New York | Spread the word on Facebook

North Carolina

Ashville: Saturday, May 15, 12 PM | Location: Vance Mountain | Organized by ANSWER Coalition Ashville | Spread the word on Facebook

Charlotte: Thursday, May 13, 5PM | Location: 5335 Firefight Lane

Greensboro: Friday, May 14, 5:45 PM | Location: In front of Wendover Village (4203 W Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC 27407) | Organized by Islamic Center of the Triad

Raleigh: Saturday, May 15, 2 PM | Location: Moore Square, 266 E. Martin St. Downtown Raleigh | Organized by Muslims for Social Justice and ANSWER Coalition | Spread the word on Facebook


Cleveland: Friday, May 14, 4 PM | Location: Crocker Park | Organized by Peace Action Cleveland; PSL NE Ohio; Al-Awda; Free Palestine Movement; JVP Cleveland | Spread the word on Facebook 

Toledo: Friday, May 14, 6 PM | Location: Sylvania and Talmadge Rd. | Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine Toledo | Spread the word on Facebook

Youngstown: Wednesday, May 12, 3 PM | Location: Mahoning County Court House | Organized by US Palestinian Community Network, Youngstown Chapter


Allentown: Sunday, May 16, 2PM | Location: S 7th St & Hamilton St. | Spread the word on Facebook 

Erie: Saturday, May 15, 6PM | Location: 571-601 Perry Square, State St, Erie, PA 16501 | Organized by Erie Bail Fund | Spread the word on Facebook

Philadelphia: Saturday, May 15, 4 PM | Location: 18th and Walnut Streets, Rittenhouse Square Park | Organized by Black & Brown Coal. of Philly; BLM-Philly; Jewish Voices for Peace-Philly, JVFP-Swarthmore; Drexel Univ. Students for Justice in Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook

Philadelphia: Tuesday, May 18, 7 PM | Location: City Hall, 1 Penn Square, Philadelphia, PA | Organized by Philly BDS, Philly Muslim Freedom Fund, Black Alliance for Peace, Philly PSL | Spread the word on Facebook

Pittsburgh: Saturday, May 15, 11 AM | Location: 116 S. Highland Ave. | Organized by ANSWER Coalition PGH, Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League | Spread the word on Facebook 

Rhode Island

Providence: Saturday, May 15, 6:30 PM | Location: 210 Benefit St, Providence, RI | Organized by RISD Students for Justice in Palestine | Spread the word on Facebook

Providence: Friday, May 21, 5 PM | Location: Burnside Park, Providence | Organized by Rhode Island for Palestine, Brown SJP, RISD SJP, RI Council for Muslim Advancement, PSL, DSA, ANSWER, SURJ, Sunrise, Reclaim RI, JVP, Black Lives Matter PAC RI | Spread the word on Facebook

South Carolina

Columbia: Saturday, May 15, 1 PM | Location: SC State House, 1100 Gervais St, Columbia, SC | Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine, University of South Carolina | Spread the word on Facebook


Memphis: Sunday, May 16, 1 PM | Location: City Hall, 125 N Main St Memphis, TN 38103 | Organized by Memphis Voices for Palestine

Nashville: Wednesday, May 12, 6 PM | Location: Nashville City Hall & Public Square Mayor's Office | Spread the word on Facebook

Nashville: Friday, May 21, 4 PM | Location:  Estes Kefauver Federal Building & Courthouse Annex, 801 Broadway Unit 800 Nashville Tennessee | Spread the word on Facebook


Austin: Saturday, May 15, 12 PM | Location: Capitol (1100 Congress Ave.) | Organized by Palestine Solidarity Committee | Spread the word on Facebook

Austin: Tuesday, May 18, 6 PM | Location: Texas State Capitol | Spread the word on Facebook

Dallas: Saturday, May 15, 1 PM | Location: Grassy Knoll 413 Elm St. | Organized by Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Palestine Texas, Dallas Palestine Coalition | Spread the word on Facebook

Dallas: Sunday, May 23, 2 PM | Location: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St | Organized by Dallas Palestine Coalition, Palestinian Youth Movement, UT Dallas Students for Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine - Texas, MAS PACE | Spread the word on Facebook

Houston: Saturday, May 15, 3 PM | Location: Discovery Green 1500, McKinney St. | Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine


Provo: Friday, May 14, 4:30 PM | Location: S University Ave W Center St | Organized by Utah Valley Mutual Aid

Salt Lake City: Wednesday, May 12, 1PM | Location: Washington Square Park (451, South State St.) | Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine University of Utah

Salt Lake City: Saturday, May 22, 12:30 PM | Location: Wallace Bennett Federal Building | Organized by Party for Socialism and Liberation Salt Lake | Spread the word on Facebook 


Burlington: Saturday, May 15, 1 PM | Location: Battery Park | Organized by Vermonters For Justice in Palestine 


Blacksburg: Sunday, May 16, 12 PM | Location: Henderson Lawn, VA Tech campus corner of N Main and College | Spread the word on Facebook

Harrisonburg: Saturday, May 15, 10 AM | Location: Farmers Market : 228 S Liberty St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Richmond: Wednesday, May 19, 5 PM | Organized by Arab American Association of Central Virginia, Richmonders for Peace in Israel-Palestine and the Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality | Spread the word on Facebook


Richland: Saturday, May 15, 1:30 PM | Location: John Dam Plaza, 815 George Washington Way. 99352 | Organized by PSL - Party for Socialism and Liberation Eastern WA | Spread the word on Facebook

Seattle: Sunday, May 16, 1PM | Location: Westlake Park, 4th and Pine. | Organized by Falastiniyat 

Seattle: Tuesday, May 18, 6 PM | Location: Jimi Hendrix Park, 2400 S Massachusetts St | Organized by Falastiniyat

Spokane: Saturday, May 22, 1 PM | Organized by ANSWER, DSA, PSL, DorthyDay Labor | Spread the word on Facebook


Green Bay: Saturday, May 22, 4 PM | Location: Leicht Memorial Park, Dousman Ave | Organized by PSL | Spread the word on Facebook

Janesville: Sunday, May 23, 2 PM | Location: Near 1818 Milton Ave #100, Janesville, WI 53545 | Organized by ANSWER Coalition | Spread the word on Facebook

Madison: Saturday, May 15, 11 AM | Location: Wisconsin Sate Capitol | Organized by Wisconsin Muslim Civic Alliance | Spread the word on Facebook


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