Dear friend,
We are determined and organizing to go forward on Inauguration Day.
As you know, our permit to hold a major Speak-out of the Unemployed for Jobs and Justice at Freedom Plaza during the Inauguration Day Parade has been revoked by the Presidential Inaugural Committee and the National Park Service.
The same space is being opened up to the rich, powerful and politically connected. The unemployed do not have the $250,000 per person or $1,000,000 per corporation that the Obama PIC is collecting for access to Inaugural activities, including two bleachers seats for the parade.
Even though the permit was revoked, volunteers and activists will be holding signs and placards, and handing out leaflets in Freedom Plaza and all along the Parade route on January 21.
We are spending thousands of dollars for posters, placards, leaflets, sound equipment and transportation costs for the Inauguration day actions.
We are honoring Dr. King the right way by demanding jobs rather than endless war. The Military-Industrial Complex is funded to the tune of nearly $1 trillion each year.
We will be holding banners and signs condemning the increasingly common practice of drone assassinations in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Drone strikes are war crimes. The U.S. president – whoever holds the office – has no legal right to establish a secret kill list and determine who lives and who dies. More than 3,000 people have been murdered by U.S. drone attacks.
Dr. King’s real legacy means to continue to agitate, organize and mobilize for jobs and social justice, and against war.
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Brian Becker
National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition
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