Get involved in the campaign to win justice Mike Nida, an innocent father brutally killed by Downey police (details below):
(1) Volunteer Meetings
All volunteer meetings will be held at the Mike Nida memorial at the intersection of Imperial Hwy and Paramount Blvd., Downey.
- This Saturday, Jan. 7, 12 Noon
- Saturday, Jan. 14, 12 Noon
- Saturday Jan. 21, 12 Noon
(2) Protest at Downey City Council Meeting!
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 7:30 PM
Downey City Council
11111 Brookshire Ave.,Downey
(3) Mass March & Rally: Justice for Mike Nida!
Saturday, Jan. 28, 12 Noon
Gather at Mike Nida Memorial
Imperial Hwy/Paramount Blvd in Downey
Click here to join the Campaign to Stop Police Violence, a project of ANSWER.
This month, join the family of Mike Nida, Nidas Rydas, ANSWER Coalition, the Campaign to Stop Police Violence and others as we organize to win justice for Mike Nida. We'll have volunteer meetings, pass out flyers, gather petition signatures and organize for a mass march on Downey police headquarters.
Mike Nida, a union carpenter and father of four, was murdered by Downey police on Oct. 22 with an MP5 submachine gun. Mike had been stopped for 'fitting the description' which is a standard euhpemism for being Black or Latino in a working-class neighborhood. After being stopped for no reason, Mike was assaulted, and fled for his life at which point the officer walked back to their vehicle, popped the trunk, removed the machine gun, and shot Mike in the back multiple times rather than attempting to chase or subdue Mike with non-lethal methods.
Downey police prevented any life-saving efforts or emergency medical personnel from assisting Mike for nearly 15 minutes. His wife was prevented from saying goodbye despite only being a few feet away from where he was left to bleed to death by callous, racist officers.
Since Mike's killing, his family and friends along with the Campaign to Stop Police Violence have sprung into action by attending Downey City Council meetings, holding press conferences, walking local neighborhoods, and petitioning to demand justice. The City Council has fallen into comfortable complicity and silence on the horrific killing and police chief Esteves has done everything in his ability to shield the officers responsible for Mike's death. The time is now to send a clear message to the local government and the Downey police that racist and brutal terror will not be tolerated in the community! Join us as we march to demand:
- Justice for Mike Nida!
- Stop racial profiling and police brutality!
- Jail all racist, killer cops now!
Click here to join the Campaign to Stop Police Violence, a project of ANSWER.
For more info: 213-251-1025 or [email protected].