Thousands of people across the country are showing their outrage in the streets following the brutal murder by the police of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and in opposition to the epidemic of racist police terror in the United States. ANSWER Coalition chapters have and will continue to organize, support and participate in this wave of struggle. We are compiling photos and reports from across the country, and helping to spread the word about upcoming actions.
Read a report from Baton Rouge, La.
Read a report from Chicago, Ill.
Read a report from Albuquerque, N.M.
Read a report from New York City, N.Y.
Read an update from New York City, N.Y.
Los Angeles, Calif. July 13 |
Baton Rouge, La. July 9 |
St. Paul, Minn. July 9 |
Tampa, Fla. July 12 |
Washingotn, D.C. July 9 |
Chicago, Ill. July 9 |
San Francisco, Calif. July 8 |
Atlanta, Ga. July 8 |
Philadelphia, Penn. July 7. Photo: POWER - Philadelphians Organized to Witness Empower and Rebuild |
Washington, D.C. July 7 |
New York City, N.Y. July 7 |
Minnesota Governor's Residence July 7 |
Baton Rouge, N.O. July 6 |
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