San Francisco Action
May Day - International Workers Day March & Rally
11 am: Rally at International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Lo. 10, 400 North Point St., San Francisco
12 noon: March
1 pm: Rally at Harry Bridges Plaza (across from Ferry Building, foot of Market St.)
Please come out to march in solidarity with the ILWU and all working people! Sponsored by the May Day 2016 Organizing Committee.
Oakland Action
May Day Bay Area Regional Rally & March
International Workers Day: Sin Fronteras!
May Day Call To Action - On May Day we vote in the streets for justice! March for legalizaton, housing, education, and a living wage! No More Raids! No More Deportations! No More Gentrification! No More Police Violence - Black Lives Matter!
12 noon: Rally at Fruitvale BART Plaza
1 pm: March to San Antonio Park and stay for resource fair and closing program
Organized by the Bay Area May Day Coalition.
Both actions are endorsed by the ANSWER Coalition.