Urgent petition to Presidents Trump & Moon: Negotiate don't escalate

We encourage everyone to sign the petition below, circulated by the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific (which ANSWER is a member of) and Korean Petitioners for De-escalation of Tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

64539.jpgFreeze upcoming U.S./South Korean military exercises now in exchange for a freeze on the North Korean missile and nuclear programs!

As residents of South Korea, the United States and the world, we are united in our fervent desire for a peaceful, just resolution of the extremely dangerous conflict on the Korean peninsula. With tensions exploding, it’s clear that sanctions and military pressure against North Korea are continuing to fail. It’s time to lead with diplomacy. We urge President Trump and President Moon to begin diplomatic dialogue with North Korea by freezing the upcoming US/South Korean military exercises in exchange for a freeze of North Korea’s nuclear and missile testing. We ask that you also remove from Korea the controversial THAAD missile system (radar and other equipment) that intensifies conflict with China and Russia, and threatens to create a wider conflict.

-- Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific
-- Korean Petitioners for De-escalation of Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Click HERE to sign the petition.

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