2936 W 8th St
2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90005
United States
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As the United States government and media escalate hostilities toward the government of Venezuela, including the recent sanctions and right-wing coup attempt against the current revolutionary government, the Bolivarian movement is resisting the moves of the U.S. and the right-wing opposition. Come learn the facts about what is really going on in Venezuela, and why people in in the United States must oppose U.S. hostilities and aggression against the Venezuelan government.
Featuring special guest speaker Gloria La Riva. La Riva has been interviewed about the unfolding events in Venezuela on Pacifica - KPFA, Telesur, Russia Today, Radio Nacional de Venezuela and more. She has traveled and written extensively on Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and elsewhere in Latin America.
Public forum hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation