Video: U.S. promotes civil war in Syria as pretext for intervention

Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, says the calls for a no-fly zone over Syria are in fact “prescription for military intervention,” borrowing a “page from the playbook for Libya,” as it knows it can come to power only with the support of NATO.

Because the Syrian regime is stronger militarily and has more allies in the Arab world than the Gaddafi regime did, Becker explains, the Obama administration is trying to promote civil war in Syria in order to use is it as a pretext for direct intervention. NATO’s operation in Libya was not the great success proclaimed by the alliance, but rather a “massacre and crime against humanity.”

“When you have no casualties on one side and thousands on the other, that’s not a war, that’s a massacre,” Becker states. “That’s not something to be proud about. That’s something that should land [NATO] in the dock in the International Criminal Court.”

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