WORD celebrates International Women’s Day with events and actions!

The ANSWER Coalition is reprinting this announcement from WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend).

Celebrating Women's Struggle on International Women's Day

1.jpgInternational Women’s Day or Working Women’s Day originated more than 100 years ago to celebrate the political, economic and social gains of women won through struggle. To this day, International Women’s Day serves as a reminder of the need for militant fight back in the unfinished struggle for women’s liberation.

This IWD in particular is also noteworthy since the United States Supreme Court just held oral arguments in the case challenging the Texas law that has already been responsible for forcing closed half of the state’s abortion clinics in the last year and a half. The outcome of this case alone would you have immediate impact on other states in the South which are facing similar bills, with the effects rippling nationwide. Abortion is technically legal, but laws like this will put access to this right out of the hands of millions of women. It is absolutely imperative that we recognize the importance of our voices. Court decisions have never been handed down by benevolent justices; the strength of the movement has had a profound influence in gaining the rights we have won.

Read Full Statement

International Women's Day: List of events

On International Women’s Day and throughout the month, WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend) will be organizing and supporting rallies, marches, speak-outs, forums, workshops and panels to “Say no to the status quo—full equality for all women!” Join us in cities across the country Tuesday, March 8 - Saturday, March 12, 2016.

On March 5 in Los Angeles, WORD was one of 96 organizations that endorsed an International Women's Day March & Rally organized and led by AF3IRM LA that drew approximately 1,500 people.

Join WORD in a city near you:

Upcoming Event Listing:

New York, NY
No Más Bebés Film Screening
Friday, March 11, 7-9 p.m.
Justice Center En El Barrio
1637 Park Ave.
Co-sponsored by WORD NYC
Info: [email protected] or 347-292-WORD (9673)
For more info and to RSVP

New Haven, CT
Stand With Planned Parenthood
for International Women's Day!
Saturday, March 12, 9 a.m.
Planned Parenthood
of Southern New England
345 Whitney Ave.
Sponsored by WORD New Haven
Info: [email protected] or 203-787-8232
For more info and to RSVP

New York, NY
Street Speak Out in Honor Of International Women's Day
Saturday, March 12, 1-3 p.m.
East Harlem: 116th and Lexington Ave. Streets 
Co-sponsored by WORD NYC 
Info: [email protected] or 347-292-WORD (9673)
For more info and to RSVP

San Francisco Speak-Out in Honor of International Women's Day

3.jpgOn Saturday, March 5, WORD San Francisco held a speak out at 24th and Mission Streets to celebrate International Women’s Day. Organizers and supporters stood in the rain to spread the word about the struggles women have been involved in historically, as well as the fights we are still engaged in to demand full equality. The event included not just speakers, but also a drumming batucada (feminist noise) and a musical performance by activist/artist Vixen Noir.

While some sexist passers-by paused to harass the speakers and participants, many more stopped to support what was being said. High school WORD organizer Ruby Elson spoke against the idea that as women we are obligated to respond to any man with pleasantries. “I’m 17, and in my high school I know many people who have been sexually assaulted…We don’t owe anyone anything. Not a smile, not a giggle, not our time.” Others decried the attacks on abortion access, discrimination in the work place, racism and the effects from gentrification. Tribute was paid to Berta Cáceres, the indigenous environmental organizer from Honduras who was murdered in her home two days before the event.

The connection was also made repeatedly that this is a struggle that men need to start understanding. Sexism does damage to all genders, and as long as it survives, it keeps us divided. As Lulu Reboyoso, of El Colectivo por Justicia en Mexico, said, “It’s not a fight against them. It’s a fight against a system.” Frank Lara, a Mission District teacher and ANSWER organizer, added on to that. “Men, instead of trying to be helpful, we’re often an additional weight,” he said. “It’s the women who have fought and struggled…the men need to get with the program.”

The event concluded with a call of resistance against to those who try to deny women rights by WORD organizer, Claire Schlecht. “Maybe they mean that we are asking for something that we don’t deserve. I think they’re wrong.” Participants wrapped up chanting: “Se ve! Se eschucha! Mujeres en la lucha! They say “get back”, we say “FIGHT BACK!”

Reports from additional actions coming soon!

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