NYC - Resist War: Protest Trump's Bombing of Syria!

April 07, 2017 at 5:00pm - 8pm
Trump Tower NYC

Resist War!

The Trump regime has just started bombing Syria. We must not fall for the lies and propaganda. Trump's war is not about democracy or humanitarian intervention. Trump's war is about U.S. superiority and domination. Just like the rest of his agenda, his attack is about increasing the profits of the billionaires.

For 16 years the U.S. has destroyed the Middle East, leading to the greatest refugee crisis in history and the rise of ISIS. More bombs is not the answer. Trump bombing Syria is a great danger to the people of the world. We must come together and resist!

Email [email protected] if you or your organization would like to help/endorse with this protest.

Daniel Perez Ben Becker Elizabeth Birriel Danny Shaw Mike Chrisemer Alejandro La Torre Nathalie Feliz Chauvet Bishop Kerbie Joseph Max Parry George Zacatelco Monica Cruz Emily Brease Manolo De Los Santos Brendan OBrien Henry Cames Ali Glembocki Haakon Lenzi Stewart Stout Aya Salem Nick Johnson Sapphira Lurie Norman Clement Joel Northam Sofia Dadap Shahela Begum Yari Osorio Yanina Calderon Morgan Artyukhina

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