Occupy SF retakes Justin Herman Plaza

Less than a day after a police raid evicted the Occupy SF encampment from Justin Herman Plaza, occupiers returned and resumed their occupation. The police raid and subsequent return of the occupiers followed a national day of action to occupy foreclosed homes.

SFPD raids Occupy SF – Emergency rallies announced

SFPD raided the Occupy SF encampment in the early morning hours, arresting at least 70 demonstrators. We must mobilize now to defend the Occupy movement. We will not be silenced.

Community members, Occupy SF march side by side for immigrant rights

Occupy SF and supporters marched along Market Street and down the Latino Mission District to demand equal rights for all, chanting “We are the 99%!” and “Nosotros somos 99%!”

Free Egypt! Free Manning!

Recognizing the common thread of U.S. imperialism, organizers of demonstrations in solidarity with Bradley Manning and Egyptian protesters came together at Occupy SF for a united march and rally on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

5,000 protest at UC Davis: General strike on Nov. 28!

Around 5,000 students, university staff and community members joined a mass demonstration at UC Davis quad in response to the pepper spraying of peaceful protesters. A general strike in Davis has been called for Monday, Nov. 28.

Report on Oct. 15 Global Day of Action

Statement from Occupy Wall Street

Slideshow: Oct. 7 San Francisco demonstration

Watch the slideshow of the Oct. 7 San Francisco demonstration, part of the actions, die-ins, marches and occupations that took place across the country on Oct. 7 and 8 marking the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan war.

Video: ANSWER and March Forward! organizers on 10th anniversary of Afghanistan war

National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition Brian Becker and Iraq war veteran and co-founder of March Forward! Michael Prysner speak to RT on the 10th anniversary of the U.S. war on Afghanistan

Why the NATO powers are trying to assassinate Moammar Gaddafi

Wikileaks-released State Department cables from November 2007 and afterwards show the real reason for the mounting U.S. hostility to the Libyan government prior to the current civil war.

Reality Check: The Profound Hypocrisy of President Obama’s Speech on the Middle East

Using the rhetoric of democracy and freedom to mask the responsibility of U.S. imperialism in the enduring oppression and suffering of the peoples of the Middle East, President Obama’s speech was a demonstration of profound hypocrisy.

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