Veterans shut down military recruitment station on ninth anniversary of Afghanistan war
On Oct. 6, March Forward! veterans led a dramatic shut-down of a military recruiting station to mark the ninth anniversary of the war on Afghanistan.
ANSWER Endorses Grassroots KPFK Slate - Vote Today!
Vote Now for Grassroots KPFK Candidates
Hundreds march on LAPD headquarters
On Sept. 18, hundreds of people came out for a march and rally in Los Angeles in response to the murder of Manuel Jamines, a Guatemalan immigrant day laborer and father.
ANSWER Coalition Responds to Pres. Obama's Speech on Iraq
It is necessary to separate fact from fiction regarding the announcement by the Obama administration that it is removing "combat brigades" from Iraq.
Los Angeles community forum builds Seize BP campaign
"We take care of ourselves. … But this disaster was caused by a transnational corporation, and people can't clean it up by themselves."
Cuba Party & Celebration in LA: RSVP Today!
Cuba Party & Celebration in LA NOCHE CUBANA A Night of Music, Dancing, Food, Film & Solidarity with Cuba -Click here to RSVP for the Noche Cubana. -Click here to pay the $10 Noche Cubana admission. -Click here to buy $5 iPad raffle tickets.
Protesta contra ley anti-inmigrante y racista en Arizona
La noche anterior a que entre en efecto la ley SB 1070 PROTESTA CONTRA LEY ANTI-INMIGRANTE Y RACISTA EN ARIZONA ¡Derechos plenos para todos! ¡Ningún ser humano es ilegal! Miércoles, 28 de julio a las 5pm Capitolio del Estado de Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Cliquée aquí para añadir su adhesión.
Ten facts about Israel's massacre of the Gaza aid flotilla
TEN FACTS About Israel's Massacre of The Gaza Freedom Flotilla 1. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla is an international aid project whose objective is to end the three-year-long Israeli blockade that has created a vast humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Palestine.
May 1: 350,000 March in Los Angeles
MAY 1 IN LOS ANGELES HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS MARCH FOR FULL RIGHTS FOR IMMIGRANTS 350,00 People Hit the Streets--Demand Equality, Not Racism! Hundreds of thousands marched on May 1, 2010, Los Angeles Photo: Associated Press "Our struggle will not end until we win full legalization," said Juan Jose Gutierrez, leader of the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition at a massive and historic march of over 350,000 people on May Day in Los Angeles.
March 27: Mass March for Immigrant Rights in LA
THIS SATURDAY MARCH 27 Mass March For Immigrant Rights In Downtown LA Come Out to Legalization Now! Saturday, March 27, 10:00am Gather: Olympic and Broadway, Los Angeles Map Bus and Metro Click here to endorse and get involved with March 27 in LA.