From Reuters
Castro ripped into President Bush's war on terrorism as "hypocritical" before hundreds of thousands gathered under a blistering sun in Havana's revolution square. "The whole world knows that Luis Posada Carriles, the most famous and cruel terrorist of the Western Hemisphere, entered the United States and is seeking asylum," said Castro, dressed in his customary military uniform and appearing in good health at 78.
From Periodico 26
Marsh was one of several international guests who addressed an estimated million plus people at Havana’s Revolution Square for this year’s May Day commemoration an event which focused on the issue of terrorism.
Central Park Free Speech Lawsuit
Please Circulate Widely Central Park Free Speech Lawsuit; New York City's Free Speech Battle and Its National Impact; City's Attempt to Stealthily Enact New Regulations Restricting Protest Exposed Across the country, police agencies, often working in joint action with federal law enforcement, have worked to obstruct and disrupt free speech activities and the mass assemblies of people taking to the streets to fight against war and for social justice.
Press conference demands extradition of anti-Cuban terrorist
Press conference demands extradition of anti-Cuban terrorist Send a letter to President Bush & Congress today! See below for details Miami, Florida, April 21 - Today, the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition was one of the keynote speakers in a Miami press conference to denounce the asylum petition of notorious terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who is widely suspected of entering the United States with the help of his longtime handlers in the White House and the CIA.
Tell Bush & Congress: NO asylum for Luis Posada Carriles / No al asilo para Luis Posada Carriles
En Español Urgent Alert - Take Action Now! Stop the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles from gaining asylum in the United States Support Venezuela and Cuba’s demands on Bush to extradite the murderer Luis Posada to Venezuela.
Dígale a Bush y al Congreso: No al asilo para Luis Posada Carriles
In English ?Alerta Urgente Tome Partido Ahora Mismo! Impida que le otorguen asilo en Estados Unidos al terrorista Luis Posada Carriles! Apoye las demandas de Venezuela y Cuba a Bush para extraditar al asesino Luis Posada a Venezuela.
The People Unite to Defeat the Bush Program
The People Unite to Defeat the Bush Program: Momentum builds for People's Speak-Outs in Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles & elsewhere Details below on location, speakers, how you can be involved The past few months have been incredible.
May 7 in DC: Defend Social Security! Stop the Budget Cuts - Stop the War!
Thousands will demonstrate March 19/20. The movement is expanding. The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Action Plan includes merging the struggle against endless war with resistance and opposition to Bush's assault on Social Security, social programs, unions and working people's rights at home.
Stop a New U.S. Maneuver Against Cuba
Sign on to a statement "Let us stop a new maneuver against Cuba" Statement delivered by Felipe Pérez Roque, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the High-Level Segment of the 61st session of the Commission on Human Rights Geneva, 16 March 2005 In English / En Espanol Excellencies: The Commission on Human Rights despite the efforts by those who honestly believe in its importance and wage a battle to return it to the spirit of respect and cooperation of its founders has lost legitimacy.