U.S./NATO bombers massacre children in eastern Afghanistan - once again!
If Iran or Syria or Russia massacred children, it would be top news in the U.S. mass media. U.S./NATO massacres of innocent children, however, merits a few short paragraphs buried at the very bottom of the Digest briefs column of page 8 on the Feb. 14 Washington Post.
"We all must take a stand against police brutality"
On Jan. 19, as police were attacking and evicting the peaceful Occupy Syracuse encampment, Syracuse police attacked two activists who are now fighting back. Liberation News sat down to interview one of the victims.
Syracuse police assault two activists
On Jan. 19, Syracuse police conducted a night-time raid on Occupy Syracuse. In addition to arresting seven people on trumped up charges, police violently attacked two activists.
Fight back! Occupy Syracuse is under attack!
On Jan. 17, Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner personally delivered a 24-hour eviction notice to Occupy Syracuse.
Syracuse wins new Citizen Review Board
On Dec. 29, the people of Syracuse won a victory against police brutality and misconduct with the passage of revised CRB legislation. The victory-which should be attributed to the people, not the politicians-has to be defended while we continue to fight to strengthen the CRB.
Occupy Syracuse marches against wage theft
Over 75 people participated in an inspiring march for workers’ rights in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street in Syracuse during the Nov. 17 national day of action.
Justice for Chuniece Patterson! Fight law enforcement brutality!
On Nov. 12, 2009, Chuniece Patterson was killed by the negligent and racist criminal "justice" system in the United States.Two years later, the struggle for justice continues.
Poetry from the Lyrical Revolt!
On Sept. 17, ANSWER Syracuse held the first ever Lyrical Revolt! in Central New York. Here, we print one of the poems read that night by John Shambo.
Despite massive NATO bombing, Libyans defend sovereignty
Despite NATO attacks and terror campaigns by rebels, Libyan resistance fighters have struggled heroically against the neo-colonial takeover of their country.
Oct. 15 Global Day of Actions sweeps the world
Tens of thousands flood the streets of global financial centers, capital cities and small towns to "Occupy Together" against Wall Street