Interview on Libya: "Colonialism packaged in a different way"

Russia Today interviews ANSWER Coalition National Coordinator Brian Becker about what NATO wants out of Libya, and what the future might look like.

NATO powers have long history of massacres in Africa

Far from a humanitarian force on the continent, U.S. and European imperialists have historically perpetrated the most heinous acts to impose their rule.

The Truth About the Situation in Libya

Government propaganda and media lies have worked to cover up the truth of the Libyan revolt and the NATO intervention designed to overthrow the Libyan government.

National Day of Action on Wed, Aug. 24: Support Striking Verizon Workers

The ANSWER Coalition is initiating a National Day of Action to support striking Verizon workers. On Wednesday, Aug. 24, coordinated actions will happen in many cities across the country, with activists mobilizing for union picket lines and calling solidarity protests.

There's only one solution to Afghanistan War

Rebutting the claims of President Obama and other top U.S. officials of “improved security,” death and destruction in Afghanistan are spiraling as the tenth anniversary of the U.S./NATO war approaches.

Debt deal: Wall Street banks' victorious assault on working families

For weeks, Democrats and Republicans have debated about whether to stab poor and working people in the back or in the chest. With their deal, President Obama and the Democratic Party have agreed with the Republicans that yes, stabbing working people in the chest will do just fine.

Significant court ruling in free speech postering case

Last week, a U.S. District Court issued a significant ruling in the case that rejected the government’s effort to dismiss a challenge to postering regulations that violate free speech rights.

August 13 Millions March in Harlem

Join this important march to demand the United States end its illegal wars and sanctions on African countries. While the government tells us there is no money for jobs, education or social security, they find limitless funding for their wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya.

Eyewitness Libya: New York City, July 30

Hear former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney, recently returned from leading a delegation to Libya during the U.S. bombing campaign.

August 13 Millions March in Harlem - Jobs Not War contingent flyer

Download the leaflet for the Jobs Not War contingent and join this important march to demand the United States end its illegal wars and sanctions on African countries.

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