Education is a right for all: No to racism and segregation!

The recent decision to close and merge seventeen schools throughout Boston will negatively impact lives of thousands of teachers, students and their families. It is time to organize and fight back against the attacks on public education.

This Sunday, Jan. 9 - People's Tribunal on Posada's Crimes with Ramsey Clark

This Jan. 10 in El Paso, Texas, a U.S. government farce will take place with the opening of the trial of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. The ANSWER Coalition, the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five and others will be there to demand justice for Posada’s victims.

NYC Forum: Why Is Iran Targeted with Sanctions and War Threats?

The U.S. and Israel purport that Iran's nuclear program is a threat to other countries in the region, but is this really true?

Say "NO!" to "Secure Communities" and anti-immigrant racism!

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently announced its intention to sign onto "Secure Communities", a national anti-immigrant initiative. In Suffolk County, two out of three of those deported through "S-Comm" were considered "non-criminals". Join us in the struggle against the criminalization of undocumented workers!

Last Chance to Double Your Donation

December 31 is the is the final day of our amazing $11,000 matching grant offer that will double every dollar donated by 11:59 pm tomorrow. Many people have already stepped up to the plate to help the ANSWER Coalition meet all the challenges in 2011. Please show your support!

Your donation will be DOUBLED!

We're not there yet. We still need to raise $4,500 to be able to meet the matching grant offer of $11,000 made by anti-war activist Judi Cheng. This is a perfect opportunity to make an tax-deductible donation to the ANSWER Coalition!

Saturday, March 19, 2011: Resist the War Machine!

March 19 is the 8th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Iraq today remains occupied. The war in Afghanistan is raging. The U.S. is intensifying its war against Pakistan, financing the endless atrocities against the people of Palestine, and threatening Iran.

Disband Shomrim!

Demand prosecution of Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim and that Shomrim Baltimore be disbanded for the assault of a 15-year-old African American young man for simply walking in what Shomrim members consider to be their neighborhood.

Amazing matching grant offer of $11,000

ANSWER supporter Judi Cheng has made a generous offer: She will match any donation to ANSWER—up to $11,000—received between now and Dec. 31. All donations are tax-deductible. Please make a donation to support our work!

Dec. 16: Take a stand for peace

Tomorrow, history will be made as veterans of U.S. wars will put their bodies on the line to build the movement against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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