Protests greet Trump on his California visit: Full rights for all immigrants now!

California has been a center of resistance to the Trump administration's racist war on immigrant communities, and this trip was clearly designed as a public relations stunt to stir up bigotry

Solidarity stops deportation of disabled anti-war veteran

Starting over the summer, dozens of Zahid’s supporters from Olympia, plus many from Seattle, have gone to the Immigration Court in Seattle to attend what was always deemed the “final” court date for Zahid’s removal case.

ANSWER statement on Trump-Kim meeting: End the Korean War – Sign a peace treaty now!

The people and governments of South Korea and North Korea want to end the Korean War once and for all. That requires the U.S. government to agree to this just demand.

Victory: Charges Dropped Against Norman Clement

In a victory for protest and resistance, prosecutors were forced on Friday, March 9th to drop the most outrageous charges against ANSWER Coalition organizer Norman Clement

Release immigrant rights activist Alejandra Pablos from detention now!

The ANSWER Coalition urges its supporters to sign the petition demanding the release of Alejandra Pablos, an immigrant rights activist who was illegally taken into ICE custody on March 7 and is still being held.

Chicago closes more schools in Black neighborhood

On Feb. 28, students and youth protested and sat-in demanding that their school stay open as Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s appointed school board passed a motion to close the last four high schools in the working-class neighborhood of Englewood.

Protesters march on AIPAC: "Palestine will be free!"

Protesters traveled across the country to converge on Washington, D.C., on March 4 for a march from the White House to the annual policy conference of AIPAC, The American-Israel Public Affairs Committee.

March on the White House: Tell Trump "No War Against Syria!"

March on the White House: Tell Trump "No War Against Syria!"

Endorse the April 14 Protest: In the spirit of Dr. King — fight the war machine!

In the spirit of Dr. King's -- fight the war machine!

Protests resist the war on immigrants

People are uniting and continuing to fight back in the face of an escalating war on undocumented immigrants that is ripping apart families and communities, with mobilizations from Washington, D.C, and New York City to California, as well as in many smaller cities and towns in every part of the country. Read reports from two recent actions in Newark, New Jersey, and Tampa, Florida.

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